Александр Коренков вокал, акустическая гитара
Ася Соршнева скрипка, электроника
Сергей Калачев “Grebstel” бас-гитара, электроника
Владимир Жарко барабаны
Антон Батагов рояль, электроника, голос
Итак, путешествие длиною в 1 час 20 минут в Петербург-Ленинград, где два поэта – Александр Пушкин и Даниил Хармс – жили, работали и умерли. И тот, и другой хорошо знали, что такое цензура и взаимоотношения с государственной машиной репрессий. В “Оптическом обмане” эти два гениальных человека, между которыми 100 лет, пишут один и тот же текст, пользуясь одной и той же навигацией, ведущей сквозь сансару к свободе. В сансаре – как известно, “труд и горе”, и жизнь длится всего 37 лет. А свобода – это такое место, куда закрыт вход Бенкендорфу и цензорам Детиздата. Там Чайковский слушает БГ, Шостакович играет на клавишах в поп-механике, а Семён Семёнович, сняв очки, смотрит на сосну – и в этот самый момент достигает просветления.
Антон Батагов
Anton Batagov
Alexander Pushkin (1899 – 1937) was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist. He is considered to be the greatest Russian poet of all times and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. That angered the czar and led to Pushkin’s transfer from the capital: he was sent into exile. He was later pardoned but continued to live under the czar’s close scrutiny. In early 1837 Pushkin was fatally wounded in a duel.
Daniil Kharms (1905 – 1942) was a Soviet avant-gardist and absurdist poet, writer and dramatist. In 1931 he was arrested as a member of “a group of anti-Soviet writers” and exiled. Kharms continued to write for children’s magazines when he returned from exile. His plans for more performances and plays were curtailed, and Kharms receded into a mostly private writing life. In 1941 he was arrested again. To avoid execution, he simulated insanity. The military tribunal ordered him to be kept in the psychiatric ward of the ‘Kresty’ prison where he died of starvation in 1942.
Alexander Korenkov vocals, acoustic guitar
Asya Sorshneva violin, electronics
Sergey Kalachev “Grebstel” bass guitar, electronics
Vladimir Zharko drums
Anton Batagov piano, electronics, voice